With Flora Irani, RSHom
BSC (HONS) Homeopath
BSC (HONS) Homeopath
This questionnaire is specially designed to enable appropriate and effective homeopathic treatment over the Internet and before Skype consultation.
Once you have completed the questionnaire we can arrange a meet up or talking through Skype.
Thank you for completing the questionnaire.
There are 2 types of questionnaires. Brief and Detailed. Please select them based on my advise:
Fill and send brief questionnaire online.
or Download in Microsoft Word format and send to homeopathworld@gmail.com
Fill and send detailed questionnaire online.
or Download in Microsoft Word format and send to homeopathworld@gmail.com
Brief questionnaire
Detailed questionnaire
Quick contact
Email: homeopathworld@gmail.com
Phone: 07401909966
Skype: homeopathworld@gmail.com